Destination Quality

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Our commitments
Committed service providers
The service providers in the tourism sector that are promoted by the Bayeux Intercom tourist information office are all working together in our association. They all follow the regulations and provide high-quality services. You can give them your trust and check out our documents to prepare and make the most of your stay!
The Bayeux Intercom tourist information office is helping to highlight the services available through the "Bayeux Bessin Quality" campaign. To date, two qualifications are available:
« Hello Cyclo » Qualification "Hello Cyclo" service providers are committed to providing specific services for bicycle tourists. They follow our reference document and have regular inspections. |
« Chambres d’hôtes » Qualification The "chambres d’hôtes" (guesthouses) promoted by the tourist information office all have a national or local quality label. The service providers with the local "Chambres d’hôtes" label follow our reference document and have regular inspections. |
Let's all take responsibility!
A sustainable and liveable planet means a preserved environment and peaceful community life. The Bayeux Intercom tourist information office encourages service providers and visitors to:
- save energy, especially in connection with transport, accommodation and digital tools
- consume material resources, equipment and supplies in a reasonable way
- respect tourism sites, especially natural environments
- show courtesy, attentiveness and mutual understanding.
Quality destination
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