Bayeux Calvados-Normandy War Correspondents Prize A window open on international news

Bayeux / From 7 to 13 October 2024

Icone Photo 5
DSC00173.jpg © Chrysalide - Elephant Adventures - 2023 © Chrysalide - Elephant Adventures - 2023
13Num_0772.jpg © Archives de la Manche © Archives de la Manche
07b_SAMEER_ALDOUMY.jpg © Guillaume Binet / MYOP © Guillaume Binet / MYOP
DonMcCullin.jpg © Reg Stewart (courtesy Contact Press Images) © Reg Stewart (courtesy Contact Press Images)

Bayeux was the first French city to be liberated in 1944. The town launched a prize in 1994 to pay homage to the journalists and war reporters who risk their lives to open up a window on the world.

The Bayeux Prize is back in 2024 for a new week of encounters between the general public and war reporters. The event followed by French and overseas media seeks to open a window onto international news for one week through exhibitions, themed nights, projections, a book fair, a media forum and encounters with school groups. The closing night sees awards given to journalists in a range of categories (photography, television, radio, newspapers, etc.).

Photos : 
© Prix Bayeux Calvados-Normandie 2022 – Evgenyi Maloletka / Associated Press
© Chrysalide - Elephant Adventures - 2023
© Guillaume Binet / MYOP
© Reg Stewart (courtesy Contact Press Images)


Ville de Bayeux

19, rue Laitière
BP 21215
14402 Bayeux cedex